Minibrute (1) Zoia (1) ambient (1) batumi (2) beatmaker (1) bitbox micro (1) bitrazer (1) bluebox (2) decent sampler (2) desmodus versio (4) disting mk4 (1) downloads (4) dpw switch (1) drambo (1) ebow (2) eloquencer (6) empress effects zoia (1) eurorack (39) gliss (1) guitar (1) himalia (4) hydrasynth (4) iosmusic (4) jamuary (4) lúbadh (4) mainstage 3 (1) make noise (2) maths (3) minibrute (14) moog mavis (12) multisampling (2) patchstorage (1) pico dsp (2) plaits (6) pulsar (1) sequencer (2) smpltrek (4) sto (2) synthstrom deluge (25) tapographic delay (2) telharmonic (4) touchosc (5) varigate (1) wasp filter (2) west pest (6) worldofversio (1) yester versio (2) zoia (14)

 Minibrute (1)

Et tu, Brute (Arturia Minibrute 2S)

 Zoia (1)

ZOIA MishaLite

 ambient (1)

Ambient Looping with SmplTrek

 batumi (2)

3 Module Challenge - Batumi, Plaits, Yester Versio

 beatmaker (1)

Beatmaker 3 Multisampling Made Easy

 bitbox micro (1)


 bitrazer (1)

Multisampling Eurorack to Synthstrom Deluge

 bluebox (2)

At the mercy of
Midsummer chill

 decent sampler (2)

FREE Decent Sampler Instrument | 12 String Les Paul w Trem
FREE Decent Sampler Instrument | Eurorack STO Desmodus Versio

 desmodus versio (4)

Boots of Led
Electus Beatus
Slow Sunday
Piano Eruption with Minibrute 2S & Desmodus Versio

 disting mk4 (1)


 downloads (4)

FREE Decent Sampler Instrument | 12 String Les Paul w Trem
NEW VERSION of Hydrasynth Preset Switcher
Hydrasynth Preset Switcher for TouchOSC
FREE Decent Sampler Instrument | Eurorack STO Desmodus Versio

 dpw switch (1)

Diggin' the dirt

 drambo (1)

Mousey Pluck

 ebow (2)

Ebow the chords with Zoia
Ebow the chords

 eloquencer (6)

Eloquencer Mutes
Tongue Forged From Eloquencer
Tongue Forged From Eloquencer
Blue Sunday by SNOWDEAF
Taming the Eloquencer

 empress effects zoia (1)

Empress Effects ZOIA - Voltage controlled tempo

 eurorack (39)

Virt Iter Amor
First jam with Virt Iter Legio
Desmodus Drum Machine
Glissful Bliss
Bye Bye Bia
3 Module Challenge - Batumi, Plaits, Yester Versio
Eloquencer Mutes
W.A.S.P. Filter
Boots of Led
Distorted Sweetness Follows
Choose fear!
Viole(n)t ruins
…And then there were three
Presets for Lúbadh
Diggin' the dirt
Untangling Plaits - looping one pattern on Lúbadh
Analog Waveform
Melotus Versio
Train kept a-choogling
Zoia Volt Meter
An Afternoon Nostalgia
Tongue Forged From Eloquencer
Tongue Forged From Eloquencer
Blue Sunday by SNOWDEAF
Taming the Eloquencer
Electus Beatus
Piano Eruption with Minibrute 2S & Desmodus Versio
Almost Piano
Maguro o Toro
Zoia Verygate
Zoia and Himalia
Six Inch Sails

 gliss (1)

Glissful Bliss

 guitar (1)

Ebow the chords

 himalia (4)

Tongue Forged From Eloquencer
Electus Beatus
Zoia and Himalia

 hydrasynth (4)

Hydrasynth Groovebox
NEW VERSION of Hydrasynth Preset Switcher
Hydrasynth Preset Switcher for TouchOSC
Bouncing Ball Patch

 iosmusic (4)

Beatmaker 3 Multisampling Made Easy
Mousey Pluck
The Four Jussis
Night Ride

 jamuary (4)

Let’s Metal with SmplTrek
Chill Ride with Smpltrek
Ambient Looping with SmplTrek
Arturia Minibrute 2S - Jamuary 2020 - With patch explanation

 lúbadh (4)

Distorted Sweetness Follows
Choose fear!
Untangling Plaits - looping one pattern on Lúbadh
Slow Sunday

 mainstage 3 (1)

Multisampling Eurorack to Synthstrom Deluge

 make noise (2)

Eruption tribute
Multisampling Eurorack to Synthstrom Deluge

 maths (3)

Distorted Sweetness Follows
Electus Beatus

 minibrute (14)

Garden Party
In The Meantime by Helmet (Arturia Minibrute 2S cover)
In The Meanbrute Time
Piano Eruption with Minibrute 2S & Desmodus Versio
Almost Piano
Arturia Minibrute 2S - Grungy Jam (Patch from Scratch)
Arturia Minibrute 2S - Septembrrr Jam (w/ Tapographic Delay)
Quarantine Jam 2
Six Inch Sails
Quarantine Jam
Arturia Minibrute 2S - Jamuary 2020 - With patch explanation
Arturia Minibrute 2S - Voltage controlled tempo

 moog mavis (12)

Boots of Led
Garden Party
Cre8audio West Pest ♾ Moog Mavis - Drone Machine
Cre8audio West Pest ♾️ Moog Mavis - Left To Their Own Devices
West Pest ♾️ Moog Mavis - FM JAM
First jam with Cre8audio West Pest and Moog Mavis
At the mercy of
Connecting Moog Mavis & Synthstrom Deluge - A Quick Tutorial
Stresslessness - Live looping with Moog Mavis & Synthstrom Deluge
Mobile Mavis Station
Midsummer chill

 multisampling (2)

Beatmaker 3 Multisampling Made Easy
Multisampling Eurorack to Synthstrom Deluge

 patchstorage (1)

Empress Effects ZOIA Metropolis patch

 pico dsp (2)

Distorted Sweetness Follows

 plaits (6)

3 Module Challenge - Batumi, Plaits, Yester Versio
Distorted Sweetness Follows
Choose fear!
Tongue Forged From Eloquencer

 pulsar (1)

Zoia Lil' Pulzar

 sequencer (2)

Zoia Verygate
Zoia and Himalia

 smpltrek (4)

Strings Attached with SmplTrek
Let’s Metal with SmplTrek
Chill Ride with Smpltrek
Ambient Looping with SmplTrek

 sto (2)

Eruption tribute

 synthstrom deluge (25)

Singing Filter - Synthstrom Deluge Filter Only Jam
The Night Before Synthmas
At the mercy of
Connecting Moog Mavis & Synthstrom Deluge - A Quick Tutorial
Stresslessness - Live looping with Moog Mavis & Synthstrom Deluge
Midsummer chill
Between two evils
New Seeds
Light Snow
Deluge Love
Little Mayhem
Don't rip off the prodigy (Synthstrom Deluge)
Loopy Jam with Zoia and Deluge
Ebow the chords
Eruption tribute
Granular oscillator
Synthstrom Deluge Tutorial - A Mousey Pluck
Mausy Pluck Build-up
Synthstrom Deluge and TouchOSC - FM Sound Design
Synthstrom Deluge with TouchOSC on an iPad
Multisampling Eurorack to Synthstrom Deluge

 tapographic delay (2)

Boots of Led
Arturia Minibrute 2S - Septembrrr Jam (w/ Tapographic Delay)

 telharmonic (4)

Train kept a-choogling
Multisampling Eurorack to Synthstrom Deluge

 touchosc (5)

NEW VERSION of Hydrasynth Preset Switcher
Hydrasynth Preset Switcher for TouchOSC
Eloquencer Mutes
Synthstrom Deluge and TouchOSC - FM Sound Design
Synthstrom Deluge with TouchOSC on an iPad

 varigate (1)

Zoia Verygate

 wasp filter (2)

W.A.S.P. Filter

 west pest (6)

Garden Party
Cre8audio West Pest ♾ Moog Mavis - Drone Machine
Cre8audio West Pest ♾️ Moog Mavis - Left To Their Own Devices
West Pest ♾️ Moog Mavis - FM JAM
First jam with Cre8audio West Pest and Moog Mavis

 worldofversio (1)


 yester versio (2)

3 Module Challenge - Batumi, Plaits, Yester Versio

 zoia (14)

Labyrinthine (Moog Labyrinth on Empress Effects ZOIA)
At the mercy of
Midsummer chill
Zoia Volt Meter
Loopy Jam with Zoia and Deluge
Zoia Verygate
Zoia and Himalia
Zoia Lil' Pulzar
Empress Effects ZOIA Metropolis patch
Empress Effects ZOIA Metropolis
Ebow the chords with Zoia
Granular oscillator